5th November 2024 @ 12:00 - 13:00
Key outcomes for boards from COP16: Is nature accounted for in your company's strategy?
Sign up for this eventJoin the Climate Governance Initiative to explore the key discussions and outcomes from the biodiversity Conference of the Parties (COP16), Colombia, and how they will influence boardroom decisions. You will hear from board directors taking nature action in their organisations, and the challenges and opportunities that have emerged during their journey.
Taking place a week before the start of COP29, the session will also delve into the priorities for the climate COP and how to ensure nature is firmly on the agenda. Speakers will include experts present at COP16, as well as board directors who have experience integrating nature into their organisation's strategy.
Speakers include

Shelia Murray
Chair, Teck Resources and Advisory Board Member
Shivin Kohli
Lead on Financing for Nature, World Economic Forum
5th November 2024 @ 12:00 - 13:00