Spotlight: Nature

Developing thinking around nature in the boardroom is a challenge for NEDs across all sectors. But the climate journey has provided a clear architecture for guiding action on nature and we should use it.

Nevertheless, these are early days for understanding business impacts on nature, the value of the natural resources they are using - largely for free - and how companies can move towards a nature-positive future.

That is why Chapter Zero is putting together resources and points of view on the positive-nature journey to inspire NEDs and Chairs, and to contribute to their ability to influence change.

Thought leadership articles

What makes boards move on nature?

When board conversations revolve largely around growth, how do non-executive directors get nature on the agenda? Chapter Zero Fellow Orna NiChionna talks about finding ways for nature to resonate with boards.

Finding pathways into nature for business

Karen Ellis, Chief Economist at WWF-UK and speaker at Chapter Zero events, says that boards are looking for pathways to help them integrate nature into their transition plans.

Reports and publications

Nature for boards: A primer

This primer provides an understanding of future-facing leadership and offers practical guidance for boards in integrating nature-related risks and opportunities into corporate governance.

Taking TNFD to Your Board

This briefing presentation deck offers boards a compelling business case to act on nature now by aligning to the TNFD.

tree at sunset

Legal Opinion: Nature Risks and Directors’ Duties

In this briefing, the Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative outline the key findings of the March 2024 UK legal opinion on nature-related risks and actions directors can take.

Board Pocket Guide: Nature and Climate Action

This board pocket guide provides a curated selection of global frameworks, methodologies, and standards essential for embedding nature and climate considerations into business operations.

Event summaries and recordings

Nature risk in the boardroom

Read the event summary and key takeaways from an interactive climate scenario game for global non-executive directors organised by Chapter Zero, the Climate Governance Initiative and GARP Risk Institute.

Road to COP 16 - Harnessing the power of data and technology to manage the impact on Nature

Watch this Chapter Zero and Deloitte Academy webinar, which, given the context of COP16, focused on how companies can utilise data and technology to measure, monitor, and manage their impact on nature. We also explored the critical role of data in evaluating your company's dependencies and influence on nature, as well as the cutting-edge technologies available for assessing your nature footprint.

Audit Committee Dialogue: Integrating nature-related financial disclosures

In partnership with Accounting for Sustainability (A4S), Chapter Zero held the third session of its series of roundtables for Audit Committee chairs and members to explore the emerging requirements for audit committees in effectively driving action on climate and nature from the boardroom.

External resources

tree crowns

World Benchmarking Alliance: Nature Benchmark 2022-2024

The Nature Benchmark tracks and measures how companies are reducing their negative impacts on nature and contributing to the protection and restoration of ecosystems. Use this to understand the potential nature blindspots in your sector and organisation.

green landscape with large trees and lake

Natural England: The State of Natural Capital Report 2024

The State of Natural Capital Report for England 2024: Risks to nature and why it matters, systematically explains what the nature-related risks are, and what is causing them. The report brings together the best available evidence on the state of England’s natural capital. It introduces a new method for a Risk Register, showing which ecosystems and benefits are most at risk and why. This focus, on what is driving risk, makes the report actionable now.

TNFD: Nature-related litigation: emerging trends and lessons learned from climate-related litigation

This report outlines the key emerging trends related to nature-related litigation.

Stocktake on Nature-related Risks: Supervisory and regulatory approaches

This 2024 report, undertaken by G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors features the stocktake of regulatory and supervisory initiatives associated with with the identification and assessment of nature-related financial risks, including to investigate the perception of central banks and supervisors regarding whether nature degradation, such as biodiversity loss, is a relevant financial risk.

External resources

UNEP FI publishes a guide for insurers on ensuring a resilient nature-positive future

The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) has released a first-of-its-kind global practical guide for insurance industry to assist insurers in addressing nature-related risks. The guide explores how insurance can negatively impact nature and contribute to nature loss, which in turn affects insurance business and its financial resilience.

Planetary Solvency: Finding our balance with nature

Published 16 January 2025, The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Planetary Solvency report tackles global risk management for human prosperity.