
Analysis of 2022 UK Company Annual Reports
A UKEB analysis of 2022 UK Company Annual Reports: A Study in Connectivity.

Achieving a circular economy: using data-sharing tools, like the Digital Product Passport
The world’s material circularity currently stands at 7.2% - having decreased from the 8.6% material circularity recorded for 2020 and the 9.1% for 2018. This WBCSD research provides a practical example of the data flows that may exist and be utilized to enable a circular economy across four sectors.

Understanding climate-related disclosures of UK financial institutions
This working paper sets out research in progress by Bank of England staff. They explore the determinants of firm disclosures by creating a unique, firm-level panel data set on climate-related disclosures of UK financial institutions.

What is the role of open data in financing a 1.5-degree world?
During London Climate Week 2022, Climate Arc and Icebreaker One brought together 65 experts to explore how open data could be used to mainstream climate science into investment decisions.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures: Overview
Learn more about the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures and how it was established.

Ecoact 2022 Corporate Climate Reporting Performance
Download the Ecoact 2022 report for: The Top 20 best performers across international research An overview of international corporate responses to net-zero The latest trends in corporate climate reporting FTSE 100 mini-report

FRC lab report: Net zero disclosures
This FRC summary of findings is designed to be of use to reporting teams as they prepare disclosures on net zero and other GHG emission reduction commitments.

TCFD 2022 status report
The fifth annual status report of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

FCA review of TCFD-aligned disclosures by premium listed commercial companies
A joint FRC and FCA assessment of how far regulatory intervention has resulted in a material improvement in both the completeness of reporting and consistency with the TCFD’s Framework.

TCFD: Guidance on metrics, targets, and transition plans
Read this 2021 report from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.