Spotlight for NEDs

Spotlight: Transition Planning

More companies than ever before are disclosing their transition plans and aligning their business strategies with net zero goals. Internationally, momentum is accelerating to establish standards, policy and regulation on transition planning.

Transition planning will impact the core direction of travel for your company, and as a non-executive director (NED), you need to be involved.

What is a transition plan?

High-quality, credible transition plans enable management teams to successfully develop, communicate and implement climate strategies, work towards net zero targets, enhance business resilience and contribute to the transition to a climate-resilient economy. Transition plans must be credible and transparent.

Board directors play a crucial role in setting ambitious net zero targets. They must ensure transition plans are aligned with, and embedded into, organisational strategy, governance, and all corporate functions.

The Chapter Zero Transition Planning Toolkit

The Chapter Zero Transition Planning Toolkit is designed to support NEDs and their boards in overseeing the development and delivery of a credible transition plan, by anchoring climate strategy within the discussion of business strategy. The Toolkit is aligned with the Transition Plan Taskforce Disclosure Framework and Implementation Guidance, and is made up of four elements, a Briefing, Scorecard, Governance Compass, and Barriers and Enablers.

Get your guide

Upcoming transition planning events

Collaboration with Oliver Wyman Forum
24th April 2025 @ 14:00

Transition Planning Masterclass #3: Beyond the boardroom

Register for the third session in our interactive transition masterclass series with the Oliver Wyman Forum, where we will dive into the crux of embedding transition plans into business strategy and help you navigate some of the more challenging aspects of the transition planning process through a commercial lens.

Transition planning resources

Collaboration with Oliver Wyman Forum
Explainer | 20 Feb 2025

Oliver Wyman Masterclass #1: Transition Planning and your role

In collaboration with the Oliver Wyman Forum, as part of our wider Transition Planning series, Chapter Zero recently launched the first of three interactive, practical transition planning masterclasses. Building from our Getting Started series, these in-depth masterclasses explore transition planning concepts in greater detail. The first masterclass explored the basics and best practices for transition planning, as well as the evolving role of non-executive directors (NEDs) in this space. You can find the key takeaways from the first session below.

Collaboration with Chronos Sustainability
Explainer | 4 Feb 2025

Transition Planning = Strategy Planning

The past twelve months have highlighted how companies are not only increasingly experiencing the impacts of climate change but also how they are powerfully positioned to be agents of change, with the ability to curb these impacts and promote long-term sustainability and resilience for the global economy and for society. The need to decarbonise and to achieve net zero commitments is being driven by a range of economic, regulatory and market factors, all of which require companies to respond faster than ever before.

Collaboration with Boston Consulting Group
Explainer | 19 Sep 2024

Getting Started: Setting your strategic ambition

In collaboration with BCG, the third module in our Transition Planning series equips non-executive directors with practical tips on how to fully integrate climate transition planning into business strategy.

Collaboration with Ernst & Young
Explainer | 18 Jul 2024

Getting Started: Navigating the regulatory landscape

In collaboration with EY, the second module in our Transition Planning series equips non-executive directors (NEDs) to navigate the rapidly evolving regulatory landscape in which climate transition planning sits and understand the implications for businesses.

Chapter Zero Transition Planning
Collaboration with Carbon Trust
Explainer | 15 Jun 2024

Getting Started: Assessing your climate-related risks, opportunities and current position

In collaboration with the Carbon Trust, the first module in our Transition Planning series explores the role of the non-executive director (NED) in ensuring organisations follow best practices in assessing climate-related risks and opportunities, the scenario analysis methodology to support such assessment, and practical insights of key levers for organisations to develop a transition plan.

Transition planning insights

Simon Carter
External Link
Video | 2 Nov 2023

Transition Planning insights: British Land

Simon Carter, CEO, shares how British Land worked with their non-executive directors and ESG Committee to create a credible net zero transition plan.

Jane Goodland Video
External Link
Video | 2 Nov 2023

Transition Planning insights: London Stock Exchange Group

Jane Goodland, Group Head of Sustainability, shares how the London Stock Exchange Group helps investors and listed companies to allocate capital, navigate the climate transition, and the importance of board engagement.

Nigel Topping Video
External Link
Video | 2 Nov 2023

Transition Planning insights: UK Climate Change Committee

Nigel Topping CMG, Business Champion for the UK Climate Change Committee, shares the current climate state of play and urges business leaders to move beyond frameworks and take concrete steps towards net zero goals.

Transition Planning Taskforce (TPT) resources

TPT Disclosure Framework

Check the Disclosure Framework now released by the Transition Planning Taskforce

TPT Sector Guidance

Access the Transition Plan Taskforce’s Sector Summary covering 40 sub-sectors and the Sector Deep Dives for seven key sectors

The Transition Planning Cycle

Explore and download the guidance on how to start or continue your transition planning journey, including references to board engagement and governance considerations

Case studies

Explore case studies and examples relating to elements of the TPT Disclosure Framework and the Transition Planning Cycle

Progress Achieved and the Path Ahead

The Final Report of the Transition Plan Taskforce

Latest news on transition planning

TPT concludes after completing groundbreaking work on Transition Plans

The TPT will officially conclude its work on October 31, 2024.

TPT disclosure-specific materials live on the IFRS Sustainability Knowledge Hub

This is the first step in a sequence intended to increasingly integrate TPT’s work into the sphere of international sustainability reporting standards.

IFRS Foundation to assume responsibility for key materials developed by TPT

The IFRS Foundation announces that it will assume responsibility for the disclosure-specific materials developed by the Transition Plan Taskforce.

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