17 Sep 2020

Over 1,000 business leaders join Chapter Zero to tackle climate change

Launched in 2019, Chapter Zero is a membership organisation for non-executive directors (NEDs) who wish to lead crucial UK boardroom discussions on the impacts of climate change, and support the UK Government’s target of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.

Our initial aim was to grow to have 1,000 members by the original November 2020 date for COP26, however the organisation has surpassed this milestone at a critical time for the business community. Almost 50% of the FTSE100 have a NED who is a member of Chapter Zero and we aim to have two members on the board of every company in the long term.

Despite a turbulent year as a result of COVID 19, climate change continues to move up the agenda as consumers, employees and investors demand more action. This week, the outcome more than c.100 interviews with businesses showed that direction from the executive and board can influence greater climate action, but that only 38% of respondents said that the board had been involved.

Chapter Zero supports NEDs with several toolkits. As we move forward into our second year, we’re expanding our work with a greater emphasis on the opportunities we can provide for members to share and learn from each other.


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