The board role in climate action
- the critical role of boards in driving climate action
- the business case for addressing climate risks and opportunities for economic growth through innovation
- and the vital responsibility of NEDs and boards in steering the transition through governance with robust oversight and effective reporting.
Featured content
Watch: Bringing climate change onto the Board agenda
Deloitte introduces the frameworks that exist to help boards assess and monitor their governance of climate- related risks and opportunities.
The Chairperson’s insights into climate action
The Chairperson’s Insights into Climate Action provides a summary of highlights from interviews with 16 members of the World Economic Forum’s Community of Chairpersons on the topic of climate action.
Seizing the business opportunities of net zero with Emily Shuckburgh and Simon Carter
Two leading voices on tackling climate change from UK business and academia explore the opportunities the net zero transition is presenting to organisations.
How Extreme Weather Caused by Global Warming is Driving New Investment Risks
Due to improvements in the ability to trace losses from extreme weather events back to emissions, climate-related litigation risks are increasing at many companies. How does loss attribution work, and what are the implications for investments?
Blog articles
View allPutting sustainability at the core of the business agenda
Climate must be integrated into business strategy, says Chapter Zero Fellow, Jock Lennox, and it’s for boards and Chairs to help put it there, even at the risk of being challenged.
When it comes to threats, let’s listen to the scientists
Whatever the threat – short, medium or long term – we have scientists to guide boards so let’s listen to them, says Chapter Zero Fellow, Dr Patricia Rodrigues Jenner.
Can the polar bear and business thrive together?
Our global challenge – especially for Chairs and boards – is to figure out how a company’s purpose and profit can flourish together in a world in harmony, says Vicky Moffatt, Chapter Zero CEO.
Case studies
View allThe Chairperson’s insights into climate action
The Chairperson’s Insights into Climate Action provides a summary of highlights from interviews with 16 members of the World Economic Forum’s Community of Chairpersons on the topic of climate action.
View allLegal considerations for transition planning: Strategic climate planning
Chapter Zero has partnered with Freshfields and the Centre for Climate Engagement to explore climate-related legal questions with non-executive directors from across the UK. The series began in September 2023 with a session providing an overview of the interaction between climate change, legal issues and business, and then focusing on legacy risks to companies, including litigation, and how they can be mitigated. Below is a summary of the second session which explored the landscape of legal issues that organisations face in daily operations and when implementing climate strategy, identifying key legal considerations at the forefront of transition planning.
Moving boards to action
In 2023, Chapter Zero partnered with McKinsey for a three-part event series that explored the impact non-executive directors (NEDs) can have in the boardroom to help their organisations achieve net zero. The second session, held on 21 September, explored how non-executive directors can navigate the net zero transition to shape and implement credible climate strategies. We have summarised below the key takeaways of this event.
Legal risks of climate inaction
Chapter Zero and White & Case held a session for non-executive directors (NEDs) in May 2023 offering practical advice and insights on the key legal duties and obligations of NEDs in relation to climate change. Here are the key takeaways.
View allClimate action. It’s not just a moral argument, it’s a business one too
Chapter Zero is not only equipping chairs and non-executive directors to lead on climate; we’re also inspiring them to be bold. Climate action is not just a moral argument – it’s a business one too.
COP26: Climate Governance Initiative rallies board directors
Boards must put climate transition at the heart of corporate strategy, says the Climate Governance Initiative – an international network of more than 100,000 board directors that includes Chapter Zero.
Ambition to action: our FT series finale
It’s time to make net zero a reality – with COP26 imminent the conversation is turning from ambition to action. We focus on the power of the boardroom in the finale of our Financial Times advert series.
View allChanging the climate in the Boardroom
Boards are committed to addressing climate change, but knowledge and experience gaps in the boardroom may impact ability to drive future change according to this report from INSEAD and Heidrick & Struggles.
How can boards deliver net zero carbon business strategy?
A briefing prepared for members of Chapter Zero by the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership with Earth on Board.
How should corporate boards respond to climate change?
The World Economic Forum released a guide to help corporate boards drive climate governance effectively. This was developed in collaboration with PwC and consultation with over 50 board members and corporate executives.
View allWatch: Seizing the business opportunities of net zero
This event discussed the wealth of business opportunities involved in the transition to net zero, from those created by scientific and technological developments and innovating with new business models, to building strategic partnerships and finding routes to new markets. A conversation with Dr Emily Shuckburgh, Director of Cambridge Zero at Cambridge University and Simon Carter, CEO of British Land.
Watch: Boardroom blind spots: are you addressing climate risk?
In this interactive Q&A, attendees had the chance to get practical advice for the boardroom on their climate-related questions. Catch up on the questions that were raised and the advice the panel gave. This event was organised by ICAEW in collaboration with Chapter Zero during the ICAEW Climate Summit.
Watch: The role of the board, energy transition and the harder-to-abate sectors
Lord Turner chairs the Energy Transitions Commission, a global coalition of leaders from across the energy landscape committed to achieving net zero by 2050. In this conversation, Emily Farnworth drew on his expertise to explore the role of non-executive directors in driving the low carbon transition especially in sectors where emissions are high and reducing them is particularly hard.