26 Apr 2022

Keeping good company: Chapter Zero reaches 2,000 members

As Chapter Zero passes the 2,000-member mark, Julie Baddeley, Chair of the Chapter Zero Board, reflects on what makes Chapter Zero unique and why this moment is so significant.

Julie Baddeley

Chair of the Board, Chapter Zero

Chapter Zero will be three years’ old in June, and the increased climate understanding and interest we have seen over that time is encouraging. But, as highlighted by the latest IPCC report, progress needs to be much faster. The business and climate landscape will be significantly different in another three years’ time – and what boards do today will help determine how that looks.

When we created Chapter Zero, as a group of non-executive directors (NEDs) we realised we had a role in making sure our businesses were responding to the risks and opportunities created by climate change. Now our reach has grown, as have the peer experience and partner relationships that our members benefit from.

Reaching 2,000 members is a significant moment and reflects the influence of this growing community. Across the membership we now have the ability to reach several thousand companies – enough to have a substantial impact.

With every new member, the collective influence of the Chapter Zero community grows, along with the potential of what we can all achieve.

A unique position

We are a philanthropically funded network created and led by non-executives. All our content, events and tools are designed to equip our members for important boardroom discussions.

Our members have fed back to us some of the unique aspects of membership:

  • Chapter Zero offers a ‘safe space’ for board level discussion, where directors can share insights and discussion with fellow non-executives both within and across sectors and industries, and from organisations both large and small.
  • In a crowded landscape, we are a trusted source of information and news, expressly curated for our non-executive director members with the support of the Centre for Climate Engagement at Cambridge University.
  • Chapter Zero is built around a partnership model, in line with Goal 17 of the UN SDGs; we work with a suite of expert partner organisations bringing members relevant events and knowledge according to where they are on their climate journey.
Shared baseline

I used Chapter Zero content to trigger a conversation about where we are up to. That engagement has helped us get a clearer shared baseline of what our position is today and start considering where we aim to get to and how our plans match up.

Ruth Cairnie, Chair of Babcock and Supporting Chair of Chapter Zero

Making an impact

Our theory of change is clear; by building a community of non-executive directors and equipping them to lead crucial UK boardroom discussions, we are helping to drive action on climate.

In 2,807 days’ time we need to have halved global emissions to avoid the worst effects of climate change. The next few years will be critical and Chapter Zero is here to help our members navigate the changing climate and business landscape.

Looking ahead

We know that each journey to net zero will look slightly different, and NEDs will be at different stages along those paths. We are striving to make sure that we offer our members what they need, at the right time.

Chapter Zero exists for its members. Let us know what you need so we can continue to support you in your boardroom discussions on climate action.

Moving companies from ambition to action is complex. Having several informed members on a board, helping to drive climate ambition and ask the right questions, can make a significant difference. Strength in numbers can influence the wider board and executive team. So if your board colleagues aren’t also members, share this link with them and encourage them to register.

Alternatively, if they would like to speak to a member of our team about the benefits of becoming a member, please ask them to email us at

I am incredibly proud of how far Chapter Zero has come, and thank the partners, supporters and members that have joined, and continue to join us along the way. 2,000 members is an important milestone, and I look forward to seeing how far we can go together.



Julie Baddeley

Chair of the Board, Chapter Zero

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