03 Sep 2021

Climate risk and the financial sector

How can board directors better oversee their companies’ climate transition strategies? Our video series, in collaboration with HSBC, is designed for NEDs of banks and reinsurance companies.

These short videos, around 20 minutes each, look at different ways climate risk can affect financial sector businesses, with topics including disclosure, stress testing, and regulatory and legal considerations. 

They are designed for an international audience and delve into areas that are unique to the financial sector, largely derived from the work undertaken by leading central banks such as the Bank of England and Banque de France, as set out by theNetwork of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening of the Financial System(“NGFS”).   

This series has been developed from a series of joint webinars that HSBC and Chapter Zero held in 2020, focused on how board directors could better oversee their companies’ climate transition strategies.

Each video includes:

An introduction by Zoë Knight

Managing Director, Group Head, HSBC’s Centre of Sustainable Finance

A NED perspective by Francesca Tondi Guy

former banker, board member of UniCredit Group and chair of its ESG committee

Regulatory response to risks associated with climate change

Stephanie Maier – Former Director, Responsible Investment, HSBC 
Dr. Daniel Klier – Former Global Head of Sustainable Finance at HSBC 


Climate disclosure, data and insights

Paul Simpson – co-founder and CEO, CDP


Scenario analysis and stress testing: assumptions and drivers

Raf Hussain – Global Head of Strategic Planning and Stress Testing, HSBC 


The original Financial Services series 

Here are the full webinar recordings and presentations:

How policies and regulation are evolving to respond to the climate crisis – A response from policymakers and regulators

Hosted on 5 August 2020

Watch the recording

Disclosure: Status quo and roadmap ahead

Hosted on 1 September 2020

Watch the recording

Scenario analysis and stress-testing

Hosted on 29 September 2020

Watch the recording

Managing physical and transition climate risk

Hosted on 12 October 2020

Watch the recording

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