The use of scenario analysis in disclosure of climate-related risks and opportunities
TCFD guidance on scenario analysis.
Setting the Scene on Climate Scenarios
Scenario models have formed a substantive part of managing financial risk for years. WTW look at how climate impacts – and transition - bring new subtleties to the way organizations and governments understand and use them.
Climate scenario analysis for banks and financial institutions
In this three-part series on climate scenario analysis, KPMG examines banks and other financial institutions’ end-to-end climate risk scenario analysis models.
Biodiversity as a material financial risk: What Board directors need to know
This guide, produced by the Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative (CCLI) and the Climate Governance Initiative, highlights the material financial risks and opportunities, and directors’ duties of loyalty and care, related to biodiversity loss. It also provides key questions board directors should ask in the boardroom.
The Chairperson's guide to valuing nature
This guide, produced by the World Economic Forum and the Climate Governance Initiative in collaboration with Deloitte, explores risks and opportunities related to nature loss and outlines key steps Chairs, non-executive directors and board members can take to incorporate nature as core to business strategy.
The 4 Main Drivers of Transition Risk, and Why They are Increasing
Jo Paisley of GARP has written a useful primer exploring the risks that arise from the process of transitioning the economy to net-zero emissions.
Aligning pension funds and corporate climate ambitions
Insights from a panel discussion on 29 June 2021, co-hosted by the Centre for Climate Engagement and Chapter Zero as part of London Climate Action Week.