The Chairperson's Guide to Decarbonization
The Chairperson’s Guide to Decarbonization, produced by the World Economic Forum and the Climate Governance Initiative in collaboration with Deloitte, focuses on the role of chairpersons and boards in developing a robust climate mitigation strategy.
The 4 Main Drivers of Transition Risk, and Why They are Increasing
Jo Paisley of GARP has written a useful primer exploring the risks that arise from the process of transitioning the economy to net-zero emissions.
Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change
This summary highlights the main points in the April 2022 IPCC Working Group III report, and what it means for non-executive directors.
Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s February 2022 report concludes that the impacts of climate change are severe, but that humanity can still avoid many of them if it seizes “a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity”. This summary highlights the main points in the report, and what it means for non-executive directors.
Seizing the business opportunities of net zero with Emily Shuckburgh and Simon Carter
Two leading voices on tackling climate change from UK business and academia explore the opportunities the net zero transition is presenting to organisations.
The core carbon principles
The Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) are a global benchmark for high-integrity carbon credits that set rigorous thresholds on disclosure and sustainable development. Learn more.
Greenhouse gas removal briefing: From the Centre for Climate Engagement
In the IPCC’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, almost all pathways analysed relied to some extent on greenhouse gas removal (GGR) approaches to achieve net negative emissions after 2050. This explainer from the Centre for Climate Engagement looks at GGR solutions, market readiness, cost, removal mechanisms and when a business should be thinking about it.
TCFD reporting requirements and assurance considerations: A guide for Audit Committees
Deloitte look at the questions audit committees should ask when following TCFD reporting requirements.
UK Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener
This summary highlights the main points in the UK Government’s Net Zero Strategy published on 19 October 2021, and what it means for non-executive directors.
Scope emissions explained
Knowing where your company’s emissions are made is an important step in setting robust and measurable targets. We explain Scope emissions and how to define them.
Climate Change 2021 – The Physical Science Basis
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s August 2021 report shows that human activity is unequivocally driving changes to the climate at an unprecedented scale. The science indicates there is still time to limit temperature rises, but only if we act now, and with ambition.
Aligning pension funds and corporate climate ambitions
Insights from a panel discussion on 29 June 2021, co-hosted by the Centre for Climate Engagement and Chapter Zero as part of London Climate Action Week.