Embedding climate risk into decision-making
- explore strategies for assessing a company’s exposure to climate risk
- integrate these risks into strategic planning and decision making
- and use scenario planning, foresight and innovative business models to address climate challenges and uncover opportunities for growth.
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Setting the Scene on Climate Scenarios
Scenario models have formed a substantive part of managing financial risk for years. WTW look at how climate impacts – and transition - bring new subtleties to the way organizations and governments understand and use them.

Embedding climate actions in day-to-day operations
With a long-standing interest in climate and technology, after a career as company advisor and auditor, William Touche, previous leader of Deloitte’s Boardroom Program and long-time supporter of Chapter Zero, shares his reflections on business operations through a climate lens.

Bank of England report on climate-related risks and the regulatory capital frameworks
This report sets out the Bank's latest thinking on climate-related risks and regulatory capital frameworks. The report includes updates on: capability and regime gaps; capitalisation timelines; and areas for future research and analysis.

Climate risk and the financial sector
How can board directors better oversee their companies’ climate transition strategies? Our video series, in collaboration with HSBC, is designed for NEDs of banks and reinsurance companies.

Watch: Climate change: Risk management and scenario analysis
In collaboration with HSBC, this event was designed to help non-executive directors of financial institutions understand how to approach climate risk in the board debate and ensure that their institutions develop an appropriate climate risk governance and framework.
Blog articles
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Keeping Pace with Climate Risk and Opportunity: A Brunswick blog
Brunswick convened high-level discussions during New York Climate Week on the financial industries’ role in the climate transition. This blog captures reflections from those in attendance, and industry views on the most material developments announced throughout the week as focus intensifies on the role of finance in the climate transition.

Climate litigation – a growing risk for directors
This blog from the Institute of Directors explores climate risk and in particular examines the recent case brought against oil major Shell and what this could mean for directors.
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The use of scenario analysis in disclosure of climate-related risks and opportunities
TCFD guidance on scenario analysis.

Setting the Scene on Climate Scenarios
Scenario models have formed a substantive part of managing financial risk for years. WTW look at how climate impacts – and transition - bring new subtleties to the way organizations and governments understand and use them.

Climate scenario analysis for banks and financial institutions
In this three-part series on climate scenario analysis, KPMG examines banks and other financial institutions’ end-to-end climate risk scenario analysis models.
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WEF: 2024 Global Risks Report

EEIST report: Net zero transition planning for pension funds
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The impact of climate change on solicitors
This guidance from The Law Society can be used to pre-empt the climate change risk your organisation faces and do business competently and compliantly.

Law & Climate Atlas
Lawyers will play a vital role in the net zero transition. Developed by the Centre for Climate Engagement in partnership with the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance, the Law & Climate Atlas provides overviews of how climate change is shaping different areas of law, and how these areas might help drive climate action.

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Watch: Chair's guide to valuing nature panel
Watch Deloitte’s Chair's Guide to Valuing Nature Panel from Deloitte's WEF Davos 2023 livestream series. Throughout the series, they feature leaders from around the globe as they explore Cooperation in a Fragmented World.

Watch: Climate change: Risk management and scenario analysis
In collaboration with HSBC, this event was designed to help non-executive directors of financial institutions understand how to approach climate risk in the board debate and ensure that their institutions develop an appropriate climate risk governance and framework.

Watch: Climate risk scenario
Climate change is a risk multiplier, generating increasingly unprecedented impacts on assets, supply chains, infrastructure and regulations across jurisdictions. This interactive scenario explored managing a disorderly transition.
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[POSTPONED] Legal issues in operations and supply
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED AND WILL BE COMBINED WITH THE 13 FEBRUARY SESSION. Session 2 in our three-step series with Freshfields: Legal considerations for transition planning. In this event we will explore the landscape of legal factors that organisations face in their climate strategy. From short-term climate performance to adaptation, disclosure requirements to supply chain relationships, capital raising to transactions, the landscape can be overwhelming.