Transition Planning Toolkit: Scorecard

Part 2 of the Transition Planning Toolkit. Complete the Transition Planning Scorecard to help assess how effectively your board is responding and contributing to the transition to a low GHG-emissions and climate-resilient economy. As the company progresses on the journey, the Transition Planning Scorecard serves as a valuable tool. This tool enables board members to help steer the company in developing its transition plan in accordance with the TPT guidance.

This scorecard is designed for companies that have already developed a transition plan, whether published or not.  If your company has not yet created a plan, we suggest you answer our Getting Started questions and try out the Chapter Zero Board Scorecard.  You can come back to this scorecard when your board is further advanced in the transition planning process.

Transition Planning Scorecard

"*" indicates required fields

About your company

Stage 1: Assess or Re-Assess

Assess your current position. Ensure your board is informed and ready to oversee the transition planning process. Some boards may be at the start of the climate transition planning journey and assessing their position for the first time; others will be re-assessing their position and building on previous work.

1= Strongly disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly agree
1. The board understands the role of transition planning in responding to and contributing to the transition to a low GHG-emissions, climate-resilient economy.*
2. The board is regularly updated on the company’s material climate-related risks and opportunities (physical, transition and liability), including the outcomes of scenario analysis.*
3. The board has reviewed the assumptions underpinning the assessment of the company’s material climate-related risks and opportunities.*
4. The transition plan is integral to the overall business strategy.*
5. Transition planning is formally integrated into the company’s governance structures and processes.*
6. The board is aware of or involved in engagement with key stakeholders who may be impacted by the company’s transition plan, or on whom successful implementation of the plan depends.*
7. The board has reviewed information on the company’s GHG emissions footprint across all scopes, including information on data gaps and uncertainties.*
8. The board has reviewed the transition levers* identified by the company to enable the company’s own decarbonisation and to influence economy-wide decarbonisation.*
*Transition lever is a TPT term that relates to the actions available to the company for decarbonising the company, for responding to the company’s climate-related risks and opportunities and for contributing to an economy-wide transition.
9. The board has reflected on the lessons learned from the company’s previous activities on decarbonisation and the transition.*

Stage 2: Set your Ambition

Challenge your company’s Strategic Ambition for responding and contributing to the transition towards a low GHG-emissions, climate-resilient economy.

1= Strongly disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly agree
10. The board has reached consensus on the company’s Strategic Ambition for responding to and contributing to the transition towards a low GHG-emissions, climate-resilient economy.*
11. The board is satisfied that the company’s objectives, priorities and targets are aligned with the Strategic Ambition.*
12. The board is satisfied that the transition plan captures opportunities, avoids adverse impacts on stakeholders and society, and safeguards the natural environment (where possible).*
13. The board has scrutinised the feasibility of the transition plan, including reviewing key assumptions and assessing the risks to the plan.*
14. The board has reviewed the changes to the business model and value chain which are necessary to deliver the transition plan.*

Stage 3: Plan your actions

Oversee the implementation and engagement strategy to deliver the transition plan.

1= Strongly disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly agree
15. The board understands how the transition plan is being translated into effective company-wide implementation actions.*
16. The board understands the financial impacts of the transition plan.*
17. The board is regularly updated on the company’s progress against the metrics and targets set out in its transition plan.*
18. The board is continually developing its knowledge and skills on transition planning.*

Stage 4: Implement your plan

Support your company to continue or start implementation and disclose the transition plan in line with the TPT Framework. Monitor and report on progress.

1= Strongly disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly agree
19. The board actively reviews progress on the implementation of the transition plan.*
20. The board scrutinises and endorses the company’s transition plan-related GHG emissions disclosures.*